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About MarketsFlow

MarketsFlow is a cutting-edge SaaS platform offering AI-driven portfolio construction and investment strategies tailored
and personalised to your unique goals and inetrest, all for the affordable subscription of just £9.99.
You can sign up with a free 7 day trial.

Utiising advanced AI technology, MarketsFlow provides an intuitive and streamlined investment experience. MarketsFlow
is designed for investors of all levels, from novices to seasonsed professionals, and offers a wide variety of over 100
thematic portfolios covering stocks and crypto currencies.

Brought to you by the team at Strowz, we have won awards for the Best AI-based Portfolio Optimisation Platform at WSL Awards in New York in 2019.

Here is a list of our Generative-AI stock and crypto portfolios:

  1. Semiconductors Small Cap
  2. Semiconductors Large Cap
  3. Semiconductors Mid Cap
  4. AI Hardware Suppliers
  5. Blockchain and Crypto Stocks
  6. AI Software Suppliers
  7. Aerospace and Defense
  8. Airlines Portfolio
  9. Solar Portfolio
  10. Software Apps Large Cap
  11. Software Apps Mid Cap
  12. Software Apps Small Cap
  13. Technology Suppliers
  14. Electronic Components
  15. Information Technology
  16. Scientific Technology Suppliers
  17. Software Infrastructure Large Cap
  18. Software Infrastructure Mid Cap
  19. Software Infrastructure Small Cap
  20. Electricity Suppliers
  21. Renewable Energy
  22. Building Products
  23. Engineering and Construction
  24. Heavy Machinery
  25. Industrial Distribution
  26. Freight and Logistics
  27. Marine Shipping
  28. Railroads
  29. Rental and Leasing
  30. Industrial Machinery
  31. Trucking
  32. Building Materials
  33. Speciality Chemicals
  34. Steel
  35. Advertising
  36. Entertainment
  37. Internet Services
  38. Apparel Retail
  39. Electric Vehicles
  40. Furnishing and Fixtures
  41. Ecommerce
  42. Autos
  43. Hotels and Leisure
  44. Residential Construction
  45. Resorts and Casinos
  46. Restaurants
  47. Specialty Retail
  48. Travel and Tourism
  49. Beverages
  50. Discounting Grocers
  51. Education & Training Providers
  52. Grocery Stores
  53. Health and Beauty
  54. Oil and Gas Production
  55. Oil and Gas Services
  56. Oil and Gas Integrated
  57. Oil and Gas Midstream
  58. Oil and Gas Refiners
  59. Oil and Gas Uranium
  60. Uranium
  61. Asset Management
  62. Banks
  63. Regional Banks
  64. Capital Markets
  65. Credit Services
  66. Financial Data & Exchanges
  67. Insurance Brokers
  68. Insurance Diversified
  69. Life Insurance
  70. Insurance Property and Casualty
  71. Specialty Insurance
  72. Mortgage Finance
  73. Biotech Large Cap
  74. Biotech Mid Cap
  75. Biotech Small Cap
  76. Healthcare Research
  77. Drug Manufacturers
  78. Healthcare Plans
  79. Medical Care Facilities
  80. Medical Devices
  81. Medical Suppliers
  82. Real Estate Services
  83. REIT industrial
  84. REIT Commercial
  85. REIT Specialty
  86. Top 10 Cap
  87. Future Vision
  88. Mega Tech
  89. AI Future
  90. Crypto Large Cap
  91. Crypto Mid Cap
  92. Crypto Small Cap
  93. Crypto DeFi
  94. Crypto AI Portfolio
  95. Crypto Social Portfolio
  96. Crypto Blockchain
  97. Crypto Content Creation
  98. Crypto Entertainment
  99. Crypto Exchange
  100. Crypto Metaverse
  101. Crypto Web3
  102. Crypto Sports


MarketsFlow is a brand of Strowz Ltd with a registered trademark. Strowz Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA No. 792373) registered in England and Wales (Company No. 10540836) with a registered office at 3 Waterhouse Square, 138-142 Holborn, London, EC1N 2SW.

Strowz provides investment management services to its clients and authorised portfolio managers to help clients achieve their savings and investment goals.

No information or opinions contained in this site constitute a solicitation or offer by Strowz to buy or sell securities or to furnish any investment advice or service. Strowz's products may not be suitable for everyone. For any back-tested portfolio performance the simulated past performance is based on the actual past performance of one or more investments or financial indices which are the same as, or underlie, the investment concerned. * Any financial performance figures refer to the past and that past performance is not a reliable indicator of or forms a guarantee for future results.